Current Projects
The Health Behaviour in School-Age Children (HBSC) Study is a longitudinal, cross-national research project conducted in collaboration with the World Health Organization, and supported in Canada by the Public Health Agency of Canada. This study collects self-report data every 4 years from youth across Canada aged 11-15 through anonymous surveys. In collaboration with Co-Primary Investigator Dr. Pickett and his team at Brock University, we collect information on a variety of health indicators including nutrition, physical activity, mental wellbeing, healthy relationships, risk-taking behaviours and social determinants of health. This large-scale data collection allows us to compare the health of Canada’s youth both across the country and around the world to inform targeted policies and interventions that both promote healthy behaviours and prevent harmful ones. We also facilitate the production of school-based, provincial, and national reports from the data that can be used to inform future directions in policy and education. Data collection has wrapped up for the most recent period, and will begin again in 2026.
For more information about HBSC in Canada, as well as to read previous reports, please click here.

Building Educators

The "Building Capacity to Prevent Gender-Based Violence – Development and Evaluation of Evidence-Based Tools for Canadian Educators" Study is a collaborative cross-national knowledge mobilization effort funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Dr. Craig acts as Principal Investigator for this project, and works with a team of co-investigators from across Canada. This study collects self-report data from the experiences of Canadian teachers and adolescent students, as well as information from previous scientific literature, to better understand educator training needs for understanding and addressing gender-based bullying behaviours in the classroom. The recruitment goals for this study have been reached, and we are no longer looking for participants.
The next steps of this project are to use the data we have collected to inform the creation of evidence based tools and resources for Canadian educators to address gender based violence and promote healthy relationships. Stay tuned for more information on this in the future!
Promoting relationships & Eliminating Violence Network (PREVNet) is a national research and knowledge mobilization hub focused on youth relationship problems such as bullying and teen dating violence. PREVNET is a collaborative project comprising of 130 researchers from 30 academic institutions & 60 youth-serving organizations. This collaboration aims to address and reduce youth interpersonal violence and promote healthy relationships through assessment and promotion of evidence-based based prevention methods.
Co-founded by Dr. Wendy Craig and Dr. Debra Pepler, PREVNet is now based at the University of Calgary. For information and resources by the Network, please click here.